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Background of the Project

Literacy is a key competence that ensures social cohesion and personal fulfilment. Adults with difficulties in understanding the written word in both print and digital forms face barriers to actively participate in society. Furthermore people struggling with reading and writing difficulties may hide their needs and this makes identifying learning needs more challenging.

Adult educators also face new challenges and opportunities to adapt to the digital environment and to use digital-supported teaching methods (digital pedagogies) for basic skills teaching. The emergence of web tools offers new possibilities to explore innovative teaching methods.



The lack in basic literacy skills is highlighted in the international survey of adults’ skills conducted by the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC). The Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (UNESCO, 2012) report identifies a key conceptual problem related to the lack of a common global understanding of how to approach literacy. This suggests the significant need for cross-border collaboration and innovation in the development of literacy programmes for adults and teaching tools for educators.

The project tackles the question, of how digital tools can met the need of low-skilled adult learners. This will be done through the strategic collaboration of 8 European partners specialised in adult learning, education and digital media. The project aims to explore and show how adult educators can engage and motivate adult learners by using digital tools and storytelling.

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